Emergent Behaviours in Massively Integrated Systems

I ordinarily leave the heavy technical posts to writers far more capable than myself;  I’m not close enough to the early-release cycle on the latest Frameworks/gismos/gadgets to be able to write the perfect tutorial on anything, even if that’s the way I was inclined. Rather, my interest lies in understanding the actual import of the Read more about Emergent Behaviours in Massively Integrated Systems[…]

An Introduction to Mesh Networks

What’s wrong with the Internet?  Nothing really, if you are prepared to put up with its inherent unreliability and intrinsic vulnerabilities. The Internet cannot be relied on if you need continuous secure communication between two end-points at a distance.  The greater the distance, the greater the vulnerability and unreliability.  The more important the communication line, Read more about An Introduction to Mesh Networks[…]